Professional Operation of Concrete Batching Plant Saudi Arabia

concrete batching plant saudi arabia
concrete batching plant saudi arabia

Professional operation of concrete batching plant saudi arabia should follow the specification rules, operating platforms, feeding, aggregate positions, cement silo and other parts.

(1) Concrete batching plant saudi arabia sand silos, sand and gravel should be of different sizes stacked position and a logo, indicating the name of the raw material, species, size, origin, date of purchase.

(2) Strengthen the management of the cement, fly ash, ultra-fine powder and powdered materials. Each silo should identify, indicate the name of the raw materials store, origin, variety, size.

(3) Concrete batching plant saudi arabia admixture management. Bulk cement powder admixture performed in powdered materials management methods; powder admixture bags neatly stacked in the warehouse to be with signs indicating their name, breed, size, origin, concrete batching plants purchase date; liquid admixtures according to different manufacturers, different varieties are stored, clearly identified.

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